Home > Turks and Caicos Islands

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Cities geodata

In our database we have geo data for 2 cities located in Turks and Caicos Islands including Cockburn Town as capital of the country. Places are located on North hemisphere, between 21.46122° and 21.49293° latitude.

Map of Turks and Caicos Islands with cities from our database:

Geo statistics for cities in Turks and Caicos Islands:

. Min Avg. Max.
Latitude 21.46122° 21.47708° 21.49293°
Longitude -71.53304° -71.33746° -71.14188°
Elevation 7m=23ft 7.5m=25ft 8m=26ft

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1 most populated cities are in red/bold font style.

Cockburn Harbour Cockburn Town
