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In this database there are 192,410 cities. Every city has latitude, longitude coordinates, population, elevation and time zone data. Almost every city has information about first level administrative division but only 16% have fourth level subdivision too. More info in first table:

Level of admin.div. cities %
Admin 1: 192,215 99.9%
Admin 2: 137,962 71.7%
Admin 3: 85,720 44.6%
Admin 4: 30,656 15.9%

Latitude stat.

More than 89% of cities are located on North Hemisphere:

Hemisphere Cities %
North 171,581 89.2%
South 20,829 10.8%

Very big percent, almost 72% of cities are located in North Temperate geographical zone between Arctic Circle and Tropic of Cancer:

GEO Zones Cities %
North polar zone 230 0.1%
North temperate zone 138,306 71.9%
North Torrid (tropical) z. 33,045 17.2%
South Torrid (Tropical) z. 13,931 7.2%
South temperate zone 6,897 3.6%
South polar zone 1 0.0005%


There are almost twice as many cities in the Eastern Hemisphere as in the West. 6 cities from our list are located on prime meridian (0° long.)

Longitude hemisphere Cities %
West 66,054 34.3%
On prime meridian: 6 0.003%
East 126,350 65.7%
Average longitude of cities on West half is -67.318496° and average longitude on East side is 50.543296°.


Most of the cities has elevation near sea-level. More statistics about elevation read here.

Elevation range [m] Cities %
 -500..-1 579 0.3%
0..99 67,445 35.1%
100..199 31,866 16.6%
200..299 22,430 11.7%
300..399 14,438 7.5%
400..499 10,913 5.7%
500..999 23,163 12.0%
1000..1999 14,331 7.4%
2000+ 7245 3.8%



Average population calculated from all cities in our database is 16408 people per city, but the standard deviation is high, see the table:

Population: Cities %
0-999 80,148 41.7%
1,000-9,999 80,192 41.7%
10,000-99,999 27,632 14.4%
100,000-999,999 4,075 2.1%
1,000,000-9,999,999 348 0.2%
10,000,000+ 15 0.01%



In our database, cities from Europe are dominating. Number of cities is almost equal with places from Asia and America together, BUT most of these cities are small locations, below 10,000 population. For example, in Asia there are a lot of cities above 1 million population (1M+ in last two rows):

Continent or Region All Cities All % Cities 1M+ 1M+ %
Africa 4569 2.37% 43 12%
America 48,850 25.39% 66 18%
Antarctica 1 0.0005% 0  
Arctic 3 0.0016% 0  
Asia 42,177 21.92% 209 58%
Atlantic 324 0.17% 0  
Australia 4883 2.54% 5 1.4%
Europe 90,400 46.98% 39 11%
Indian 419 0.22% 1 0.3%
Pacific 784 0.41% 0