Morin-Heights geodata
Morin-Heights (Quebec) is a populated place; located in Canada in America/Toronto (GMT-4) time zone. With population of 3,925 people, there are 539 cities with bigger population in this country. Compared to other cities in Canada, 65.4% of cities are located further ↑North; 60.3% of cities are located further ←West and 61.7% of cities have lower elevation than Morin-Heights. Note1
Morin-Heights GPS coordinates[2]
45° 54' 0.324" North, 74° 14' 57.192" West
Map corner | latitude | longitude |
Upper-left | 46.38725°, | -74.95235° |
Center: | 45.90009°, | -74.24922° |
Lower-right: | 45.40862°, | -73.5461° |
Map W x H: | 108.8×108.8 km | = 67.6×67.6mi |
max Lat: | 73.03752° ⇑65.4% North |
Morin-Heights: | 45.90009° |
min Lat: | ⇓34.6% South 42.05009° |
min Long | Morin-Heights | max Long |
-139.43328° | -74.24922° | -52.70931° |
W 60.3%⇐ | ⇒39.7% E |
Elevation of Morin-Heights is 240 m = 787 ft, and this is 14.4 m = 47 ft below average elevation for this country.
Max E: |
1518 m = 4980 ft | 38.3% |
Avg. | 254.4 m = 835 ft | |
Morin-Heights | 240 m = 787 ft | |
Min E: |
-2 m = -7 ft | 61.7% |
See also: Canada elevation on
Geographical zone
Morin-Heights is located in North temperate zone (between Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle). Distance of this North polar circle is 2297.6 km =1427.7 mi to North.Distance of | km | miles | from Morin-Heights |
North Pole | 4903.5 | 3046.9 | to North |
Arctic Circle | 2297.6 | 1427.7 | to North |
Tropic Cancer | 2497.7 | 1552 | to South |
Equator | 5103.6 | 3171.2 | to South |

Nearby cities:
15 places around Morin-Heights: (largest is in red/bold)
• Lac-Connelly
21.4 km =13.3 mi, 90°
• Piedmont
9 km =5.6 mi, 90°
• Prévost
13.4 km =8.3 mi, 106°
• Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard
9.8 km =6.1 mi, 319°
• Saint-Canut
24.2 km =15 mi, 148°
• Saint-Colomban
20.6 km =12.8 mi, 153°
• Saint-Hippolyte
18.4 km =11.4 mi, 78°
• Saint-Jérôme
23.2 km =14.4 mi, 124°
• Saint-Sauveur
5.6 km =3.5 mi, 105°
• Saint-Sauveur-des-Monts
6.4 km =4 mi, 90°
• Sainte-Adèle
10.6 km =6.6 mi, 58°
• Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts
16.9 km =10.5 mi, 351°
• Terrasse-des-Pins
14.7 km =9.1 mi, 105°
• Val-David
15 km =9.3 mi, 9°
• Val-Morin
12.3 km =7.6 mi, 24°
Sources, notices
• [Note1] Compared only with cities in Canada existing in our database
• [Src1] Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors (CC-BY-SA)
• [Src2] Other city data from with taken over terms of usage.
• [Src3] Geographical zone / Annual Mean Temperature by Robert A. Rohde @ Wikipedia