Home > United States > Cyril

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Cyril geodata

Cyril (Oklahoma) is a populated place; located in United States in America/Chicago (GMT-5) time zone. With population of 1,046 people, there are 15992 cities with bigger population in this country. Compared to other cities in United States, 75.9% of cities are located further ↑North; 78.9% of cities are located further →East and 84.7% of cities have lower elevation than Cyril. Note1

Administrative division(s):

Current local time in Cyril:

04:59 AM, Monday
Difference from your time zone: hours

Cyril on map:[1]

Cyril on map

Cyril GPS coordinates[2]

34° 53' 47.256" North, 98° 12' 2.16" West

Map corner latitude longitude
Upper-left 35.47112°, -98.90373°
Center: 34.89646°, -98.2006°
Lower-right: 34.31775°, -97.49748°
Map W x H: 128.2×128.2 km = 79.7×79.7mi
max Lat: 71.29058°
  ⇑75.9% North
Cyril: 34.89646°
min Lat:   ⇓24.1% South
min Long Cyril max Long
-171.73463° -98.2006° -66.98998°
W 21.1%⇐   ⇒78.9% E


Elevation of Cyril is 418 m = 1371 ft, and this is 123.2 m = 404 ft above average elevation for this country.

Max E:
3189 m = 10463 ft 15.3%
Cyril 418 m 1371 ft  
Avg. 294.8 m = 967 ft  

Min E:
-60 m = -197 ft 84.7%

See also: United States elevation on

Geographical zone

Cyril is located in North temperate zone (between Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle). Distance of this Northern Tropic circle is 1274.2 km =791.8 mi to South.
Distance of km miles from Cyril
North Pole 6126.9 3807.1 to North
Arctic Circle 3521.1 2187.9 to North
Tropic Cancer 1274.2 791.8 to South
Equator 3880.1 2411 to South
6126.9 km
3880.1 km

Nearby cities:

15 places around Cyril: (largest is in red/bold)

Alex 38.5 km =23.9 mi, 86°
Anadarko 20 km =12.4 mi, 348°
Apache 15.1 km =9.4 mi, 268°
Central High 32 km =19.9 mi, 161°
Chickasha 29.7 km =18.5 mi, 54°
Elgin 15.4 km =9.6 mi, 212°
Fletcher 9.1 km =5.7 mi, 206°
Fort Cobb 31 km =19.3 mi, 316°
Lawton 36.4 km =22.6 mi, 208°
Marlow 35.4 km =22 mi, 141°
Marlow 40.7 km =25.3 mi, 146°
Ninnekah 25.9 km =16.1 mi, 77°
Rush Springs 25.6 km =15.9 mi, 119°
Sterling 16.5 km =10.3 mi, 170°
Verden 23.2 km =14.4 mi, 26°

Sources, notices
• [Note1] Compared only with cities in United States existing in our database
• [Src1] Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors (CC-BY-SA)
• [Src2] Other city data from with taken over terms of usage.
• [Src3] Geographical zone / Annual Mean Temperature by Robert A. Rohde @ Wikipedia

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