Home > France > Luc-sur-Orbieu

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Luc-sur-Orbieu geodata

Luc-sur-Orbieu (Occitanie) is a populated place; located in France in Europe/Paris (GMT+1) time zone. With population of 841 people, there are 10174 cities with bigger population in this country. Compared to other cities in France, 97.4% of cities are located further ↑North; 54.7% of cities are located further ←West and 82.2% of cities have higher elevation than Luc-sur-Orbieu. Note1

Administrative division(s):

Current local time in Luc-sur-Orbieu:

10:32 AM, Monday
Difference from your time zone: hours

Luc-sur-Orbieu on map:[1]

Luc-sur-Orbieu on map

Luc-sur-Orbieu GPS coordinates[2]

43° 10' 36.048" North, 2° 47' 6.108" East

Map corner latitude longitude
Upper-left 43.68728°, 2.08191°
Center: 43.17668°, 2.78503°
Lower-right: 42.66178°, 3.48816°
Map W x H: 114×114 km = 70.8×70.8mi
max Lat: 51.07786°
  ⇑97.4% North
Luc-sur-Orbieu: 43.17668°
min Lat:   ⇓2.6% South
min Long Luc-sur-Orbieu max Long
-5.08615° 2.78503° 9.52242°
W 54.7%⇐   ⇒45.3% E


Elevation of Luc-sur-Orbieu is 49 m = 161 ft, and this is 144.7 m = 475 ft below average elevation for this country.

Max E:
2333 m = 7654 ft 82.2%
Avg. 193.7 m = 635 ft  
Luc-sur-Orbieu 49 m = 161 ft  

Min E:
-1 m = -3 ft 17.8%

See also: France elevation on

Geographical zone

Luc-sur-Orbieu is located in North temperate zone (between Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle). Distance of this Northern Tropic circle is 2194.9 km =1363.8 mi to South.
Distance of km miles from Luc-sur-Orbieu
North Pole 5206.3 3235 to North
Arctic Circle 2600.4 1615.8 to North
Tropic Cancer 2194.9 1363.8 to South
Equator 4800.8 2983.1 to South
5206.3 km
4800.8 km

Nearby cities:

15 places around Luc-sur-Orbieu: (largest is in red/bold)

Bizanet 7.1 km =4.4 mi, 101°
Boutenac 3.3 km =2.1 mi, 171°
Canet 7.6 km =4.7 mi, 42°
Conilhac-Corbières 5.8 km =3.6 mi, 283°
Fabrezan 8.4 km =5.2 mi, 237°
Ferrals-les-Corbières 5.1 km =3.2 mi, 234°
Homps 11.3 km =7 mi, 332°
Lézignan-Corbières 3 km =1.9 mi, 320°
Moux 10.7 km =6.6 mi, 271°
Névian 10.3 km =6.4 mi, 67°
Ornaisons 4.2 km =2.6 mi, 84°
Saint-André-de-Roquelongue 8 km =5 mi, 148°
Sainte-Valière 11.6 km =7.2 mi, 23°
Thézan-des-Corbières 8.7 km =5.4 mi, 189°
Ventenac-en-Minervois 10.5 km =6.5 mi, 39°

In other languages:

Sources, notices
• [Note1] Compared only with cities in France existing in our database
• [Src1] Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors (CC-BY-SA)
• [Src2] Other city data from with taken over terms of usage.
• [Src3] Geographical zone / Annual Mean Temperature by Robert A. Rohde @ Wikipedia

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