Home > Canada > Saint-Augustin

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Saint-Augustin geodata

Saint-Augustin (Quebec) is a populated place; located in Canada in America/Blanc-Sablon (GMT-4) time zone. With population of 3,961 people, there are 536 cities with bigger population in this country. Compared to other cities in Canada, 83.3% of cities are located further ↓South; 97.1% of cities are located further ←West and 96% of cities have higher elevation than Saint-Augustin. Note1

Administrative division(s):

Current local time in Saint-Augustin:

03:43 AM, Monday
Difference from your time zone: hours

Saint-Augustin on map:[1]

Saint-Augustin on map

Saint-Augustin GPS coordinates[2]

51° 13' 33.672" North, 58° 39' 0.612" West

Map corner latitude longitude
Upper-left 51.66425°, -59.3533°
Center: 51.22602°, -58.65017°
Lower-right: 50.78358°, -57.94705°
Map W x H: 97.9×97.9 km = 60.8×60.8mi
max Lat: 73.03752°
  ⇑16.7% North
Saint-Augustin: 51.22602°
min Lat:   ⇓83.3% South
min Long Saint-Augustin max Long
-139.43328° -58.65017° -52.70931°
W 97.1%⇐   ⇒2.9% E


Elevation of Saint-Augustin is 7 m = 23 ft, and this is 247.4 m = 812 ft below average elevation for this country.

Max E:
1518 m = 4980 ft 96%
Avg. 254.4 m = 835 ft  
Saint-Augustin 7 m = 23 ft  

Min E:
-2 m = -7 ft 4%

See also: Canada elevation on

Geographical zone

Saint-Augustin is located in North temperate zone (between Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle). Distance of this North polar circle is 1705.4 km =1059.7 mi to North.
Distance of km miles from Saint-Augustin
North Pole 4311.3 2678.9 to North
Arctic Circle 1705.4 1059.7 to North
Tropic Cancer 3089.9 1920 to South
Equator 5695.8 3539.2 to South
4311.3 km
5695.8 km

Nearby cities:

14 places around Saint-Augustin: (largest is in red/bold)

Bay St. George South 333.7 km =207.4 mi, 182°
Botwood 329.4 km =204.7 mi, 134°
Burgeo 408.2 km =253.6 mi, 169°
Channel-Port aux Basques 407.7 km =253.3 mi, 184°
Corner Brook 257.9 km =160.3 mi, 168°
Deer Lake 244.8 km =152.1 mi, 159°
Grand Falls-Windsor 332.2 km =206.4 mi, 140°
Happy Valley-Goose Bay 257.6 km =160.1 mi, 333°
La Scie 257.9 km =160.3 mi, 123°
Pasadena 256.8 km =159.6 mi, 163°
Springdale 265.4 km =164.9 mi, 136°
St. Anthony 212.8 km =132.2 mi, 85°
Stephenville 297.6 km =184.9 mi, 179°
Stephenville Crossing 303.5 km =188.6 mi, 177°

Sources, notices
• [Note1] Compared only with cities in Canada existing in our database
• [Src1] Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors (CC-BY-SA)
• [Src2] Other city data from with taken over terms of usage.
• [Src3] Geographical zone / Annual Mean Temperature by Robert A. Rohde @ Wikipedia

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